Research & Developement
Convinced that the technological competitiveness is an essential engine of the growth of its clients, CERINNOV has established its own R&D department, endowed with a team of competent engineers, developing in close partnership with their clients the new technologies of tomorrow.
This collaborative approach with our business partners, the scientific institutions and the centres of technology transfer allows an optimum efficiency which is reflected in our results in innovations or technological breakthroughs, creating high value-added products for our clients.
Officially certified by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research as a R&D centre, one of the main strengths of CERINNOV is to be able to make all the stages of a R&D project internally, from the idea through to the supply of an industrial solution.

CERINNOV has strong relationship with laboratories located on the Limoges technology park (GEMH, SPCTS, XLIM).
These partnerships give to CERINNOV the access to Hi-tech analysis laboratory equipment (ICP, laser particle measurement instrument, DRX, ATD-TG…) in addition to CERINNOV ones (Rheometer, Colorimeter).
Convinced that the technological competitiveness is an essential engine of the growth of its clients, CERINNOV has established its own R&D department endowed with a team of competent engineers, developing in close partnership with its clients the new technologies of tomorrow.
CERINNOV is actively involved in global European R&D projects (ISI, ANR, FUI, EUROSTARS…) as capital goods supplier or as material and laser expert (decoration, tooling, surface treatment).
Project Code | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-047190
Main Objective | To reinforce research, technological development and innovation
Intervention Region | Centro (Central Region)
Beneficiary Entities | Porcelanas Costa Verde, SA; CERINNOV, UNIPESSOAL LDA; Aveiro University
Approval Date 2020-12-10
Start Date 2020-12-31
Completion Date 2023-06-30
Total Eligible Cost | 1.256.385,05 euros
FEDER Financial Support | 844.760,37 euros

The FLASHPOR (FLASH as an Alternative Technology for Porcelain Sintering) project aims at the research, development and industrial application of FLASH sintering technology in the manufacture of porcelain pieces. For this purpose, it is critical to develop new ceramic bodies and prototype kilns to use this technology. In this sense, the project was structured around four technical and scientific objectives: (i) Study the applicability of FLASH sintering for the firing of porcelain and alumina compositions; (ii) Investigate and develop new porcelain compositions dedicated to FLASH firing; (iii) Develop kilns for FLASH firing of porcelain; (iv) Test and validate the developed compositions and kilns.
In fact, through the FLASHPOR project, the Consortium intends to develop the know-how for the substitution of the first porcelain firing cycle, called chacotage cycle, by a more sustainable sintering cycle, using an alternative heating source, the electric field, through the use of the FLASH technique. In this way, it is intended to obtain a decrease in the consumption of fossil fuels in the production process of porcelain products – which currently uses 15 to 16% of the total energy consumption in the chacotage process alone – as well as an increase in the production cadence, by significantly reducing the duration of the chacotage stage. The use of this technology will thus allow for the reduction of energy consumption in the production process of porcelain pieces, contributing to a significant reduction in production costs, an increase in environmental sustainability, and consequently an increase in competitiveness for companies in the sector.
FLASHPOR is promoted by a consortium of three entities: two business entities, Porcelanas Costa Verde, SA, the promoter-leader, and CERINNOV, UNIPESSOAL LDA, and a SI&I Non-Business Entity, the University of Aveiro. These three entities gather the critical and necessary scientific, technological and market competences to ensure the achievement of the defined objectives as well as the economic valorization of the obtained results. In this sense, the project was structured in 8 activities, to be developed over 30 months, which include tasks of industrial research, experimental development, promotion and dissemination of results and project management and coordination.
Designação do projeto | Internacionalização de Fornos Indústria para Cerâmica e Tratamento Térmico
Código do Projeto | CENTRO-02-0752-FEDER-025823
Objetivo principal | Reforçar a competitividade das PME
Região de intervenção | Centro
Data de aprovação | 18-05-2017
Data de início | 21-11-2016
Date de conclusão | 30-07-2019
Custo total elegível | 236.489,28 EUR
Apoio financeiro da União Europeia | FEDER – 101.142,25 EUR

Síntese do Projeto:
Com o objetivo de ser uma empresa de referência global e reconhecida pela sua qualidade, o promotor pretendia criar relações de confiança com os clientes, satisfazendo as suas necessidades tendo por base produtos de elevada qualidade e performance. Com isto, definiu como principais objetivos a expansão e diversificação dos mercados internacionais, apoiadas no aumento da notoriedade das suas marcas próprias, no aumento da proximidade com os clientes, na certificação dos seus procedimentos internos e nas ações de marketing e outbound.
Na fase de execução do projeto, os investimentos realizados, nomeadamente a participação em eventos internacionais importantes que reuniram os principias players ligados ao setor de todo o mundo, as ações de prospeção, o registo de uma nova marca e a certificação do Sistema de Gestão e Qualidade, foram fundamentais para atingir os objetivos a que a CERINNOV se propôs.
Face à satisfatória taxa de execução do investimento, e atendendo ao cumprimento dos objetivos a que se propôs em candidatura, podemos concluir que o projeto foi determinante para a consolidação da posição da CERINNOV no mercado internacional, contribuindo para o prestígio do setor português da metalomecânica associada à cerâmica.
Thanks to the integration of new laser sources, it is now possible to machine without any constraint all kind of mineral materials, such as: porcelain, plastic, ceramic glass, wood, etc.
- No micro-crack
- Flexibility
The laser melting of mineral powders enables to reach high temperatures in order to achieve energy savings.
Filtering or other aqueous mineral suspension (alumina, zirconia, silicon carbide, etc.) by filter media.
Formatting by filtration of submicron or nanoscale suspensions without added binder.
- Pressure casting machines
- Robotized pressure casting machines
Development of pressure casting slips from raw materials and optimization of the customer cycle time study of the state of flocculation / deflocculation of the slip.
- Pressure casting machines
- Robotized pressure casting machines
Thanks to the experience acquired with Elmeglass, Cerlase and Malkin, Cerinnov possesses a know how concerning deposit of mineral or metal powders on substrate:
- Electrostatic powder spray
- Spray suspension in aqueous base
- Vibro-rotating disk spraying
- Spray glazing line
CERINNOV offers to its customers, a technical training taught by engineers. They can be performed at the premises of CERINNOV or directly to the customer site.
The main trainings are:
- Spraying: The principle of operation of the spray gun Viper, its settings, its positioning and maintenance will be the training.
- Principle of a laser: In this course, the main points are the components of a laser beam characteristics, etc. .. Different types of lasers will be studied and their properties.
CERINNOV can also provide other courses on request, or when ordering new machines (robot programming, machine maintenance, etc.).